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Speed Camera Use Expected to Increase Near Schools


Speeding tickets continue to garner great emphasis and attention by New York City’s government. The current mayor is continuing to fulfill the vision of the former mayor by promoting further crackdowns on speeding in the city. The effort is also noticed throughout the state. This leaves more drivers at risk for receiving tickets, sometimes even when they may not be truly deserved.

One way that authorities have been focusing on speeding is through the use of cameras at select intersections near schools. This summer, several drivers in Nassau County incorrectly received tickets generated by the cameras that later had to be rescinded. Now that school is back in session, however, the cameras are able to legitimately initiate tickets that can result in fines totaling $80, $30 of which go toward administrative fees. 

In New York City, 20 cameras were installed earlier this year and another 20 will be added by the end of 2014. In 2015, 100 more will follow. Each camera is mounted on a Department of Transportation vehicle and costs taxpayers as much as $115,000. For the time being, drivers can only be cited for speeding during school times as the cameras are not to be used during school breaks, weekends or other times when children are not present. Some people, however, would like to see this changed and have the cameras in effect at all times.

Drivers who receive speeding tickets not only must pay fines and fees but are likely to have points added to their licenses. Drivers’ license suspensions can also result depending on the speeds involved or other circumstances. Talking to an attorney in these situations may be helpful to drivers.

Source: New York Times, “New York Installs Speed Cameras Near Schools,” Patrick McGeehan, September 2, 2014
