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How to Avoid a Holiday Traffic Ticket


From visiting loved ones in another city or state to shopping for gifts at various malls and stores, many people spent their holidays on the road. Although the season is filled with joy and love, it is also stressful.

When you are under duress, whether you are stuck in traffic or trying to find parking at the mall, it is easy to make irrational choices on the road. This can often result in a traffic ticket or even an accident.

Here are several steps to avoid getting a ticket during the holidays:

  • Remain calm – The holiday congestion can make drivers weave in and out of lanes or drive unreasonably slow, which may drive you absolutely crazy, especially when you have things to do or people to see. However, you must not let the actions and behaviors of other drivers affect the way you drive.
  • Always focus on the road – From cellphones and children to your own thoughts and worries, there are plenty of distractions that may have a negative effect on your focus. If you lose focus while driving, you will most likely make a mistake and be vulnerable to a traffic ticket. Whenever you are behind the wheel, only focus on operating your vehicle as safely as possible and nothing else.
  • Take your time – Whenever we are in a rush, we often drive faster than the posted speed limit or the flow of traffic. This could lead to a speeding ticket, which can but a bigger dent in your wallet after all the holiday shopping. Even if you are late for something, always drive as fast as the signs tell you.
  • Be aware of law enforcement officials and speeding traps – In order to keep the roads safe from drunk, distracted, and angry drivers, the police are out in full force during this time of year. So, whenever you drive, remember there are more officers out on the road during this season compared to other times of the year, so always be on the lookout.
  • Do not drive drunk – Alcohol consumption is often a significant part of the holiday celebrations, which is why there is an increase in DUI arrests and drunk driving accidents each year around this time. If you’ve had a few drinks and get pulled over for violating a traffic offense, authorities may discover that you are under the influence and arrest you for drunk driving. If you end up drinking at a holiday event, avoid driving and find another way to get home, such as contacting a designated driver or requesting a ride from an Uber or Lyft driver.

If you have received a traffic ticket in New York or New Jersey, contact Martin A. Kron & Associates, P.C. today at (212) 235-1525 and request a free consultation.
