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Understanding the Consequences of New York Traffic Violations

From improper lane changes or speeding to texting and driving or alcohol-impaired driving, there are a number of traffic violations in New York City. If convicted of these types of charges, motorists may face a range of penalties. It may behoove people to understand these consequences, to ensure they are aware of their rights in the event they receive a traffic ticket.

Fines are a common penalty for many traffic violations in New York City. The amount of the fine often depends on the offense, among other factors. According to the Department of Motor Vehicles a texting while driving traffic violation could result in fines of between $50 and $450. Drivers with prior offenses generally face increased fine amounts. Motorists who are ticketed for speeding are also commonly fined.

In addition to fines and other penalties, drivers may incur points on their driver’s licenses for many traffic violations. The amount of points that are added is, in large part, dependent on the traffic violation and the severity of that violation. For example, drivers may receive anywhere between three and 11 points on their licenses for speeding tickets, according to the SafeNY website. In general, these points remain on a driver’s record for three years. Drivers who accumulate 11 points on their licenses during an 18-month period could have their driving privileges suspended or revoked. Additionally, they may be required to pay the state’s drivers responsibility assessment fee.

Serious traffic violations, such as alcohol-related offenses, may carry jail time. As is the case with the other penalties, the length of these sentences is typically dependent on the charge and its severity. Prior offenses are also generally factors in the duration of a jail sentence. Drunk driving convictions may carry sentences of anywhere from 15 days to seven years in jail, according to the DMV.

The consequences that New York motorists may face as a result of traffic violations can vary. However, they can all have lasting implications. As such, people who have been charged with a traffic violation, or who have received a traffic ticket, may benefit from consulting with an attorney. Working with a lawyer may help them to understand their rights and options.

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